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Stand For the Truth

A sincere call to prayer for the success of our movie about Daniel

Daniel, the hero in the Bible, stood for something. And I am so inspired by his tale of courage and faithfulness, that my brothers and I have decided to stand with him.

You might feel like you’ve heard a lot of Daniel chatter lately. But I implore you to read a little further for an important update about the project. This is a critical tipping point for our movie on the beloved Biblical character.

As we continue to develop the movie, we are seeking partners. We have some big partnerships brewing right now that we plan to announce soon. But there are also significant details that are hanging in the balance, and we are asking for you to join us in the most important way - so that our momentum really carries us forward with strength.

Will you Pray for us - and our Film?

There’s a line in our movie SHE HAS A NAME where Marta, a lawyer working to rescue real victims of human trafficking asks Jason, working undercover to rescue a young Cambodian, to do ‘the one thing you can do in this line of work.’

“What’s that,” Jason replies, looking defeated.

Marta simply replies, “PRAY.”

Daniel took his stand…by falling to his knees

When it seems like there is nothing left to be done, there is but ONE thing we must do. And that is pray.

If each one of my weekly readers prayed for 3 minutes after reading this post, we would bank 10,000 minutes of prayer TODAY for the Daniel movie.

That is 168.25 hours. Which is SEVEN DAYS OF PRAYER!

It’s a great example of how the Body can lift a big load, if we lift together. Daniel prayed like few other followers of Yahweh in Scripture. Today with absolute sincerity, I’m asking for your partnership in prayer as a way of honouring and continuing his legacy of faith.

Here are 6 simple but key requests for you to pray with us - please take 3-5 minutes to join with the others reading this right now:

  1. That we would see the key partners we are in talks with about the movie come officially on board - this month!

  2. That we would shatter past our next milestone of $6,000 on the Crowdfund we launched on WeFunder a couple weeks ago

  3. That we would gain favour with key cast that will take the movie to an even higher level.

  4. That we will see our vision fulfilled to film the movie by or before March 2025, and that the logistics of filming in India will be blessed.

  5. Pray that our core team of The Kooman Brothers and our producer Travis (he produced I Can Only Imagine) will be encouraged, empowered, and have endurance.

  6. Pray that our marketing team Collide Media will feel joy, strength, and energy as they build a following for the film to have maximum impact.

I look forward to reporting back in a couple of weeks, to see what 7 days of prayer, by believers AROUND THE WORLD reading this newsletter has done. I do not take prayer lightly, for it is a mighty weapon by which the Bible reveals we can DESTROY STRONGHOLDS.

If you believe with me for something beautiful to be filmed by Unveil Studios that honour’s the legacy of a champion in the faith, please pray with us and blow some serious wind of encouragement and grace our way. It means the world.

Learn More about the Daniel Movie

Keep Breathing,

Daniel Kooman

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Breath of Life
Daniel Kooman | Writing and Directing Inspiring Stories
What does it take to write or direct an inspiring story? Are there ways I can increase my creative output or engage my imagination in my daily life? I share some of the treasures I've unearthed through storytelling, talk about films I made, films I watched, books or scripts I've written, and share a few stories from my life that will engage your own creativity. I also read excerpts from my latest written works and talk about the films I've directed.